Before = BORING. Our entire house, with the exception of the playroom, was this boring off-white color. Ugh. It's just like living in a cloud, except not soft and squishy. We picked out some paint for the dining room in December, when we painted the kitchen. So we finally got around to it.
After = EXCITING! I am so happy with how it turned out. And no, I didn't feel the need to clean up before I took a picture for you. That's how we roll. I loooove it, don't you? ;)
One of my favorite parts is this ledge thingy above the bar. I have big plans for it, but that will have to wait for another day. :) Incidentally, you can see the kitchen paint from this angle also. I have been looking high and low for a 'before' kitchen picture, but I think I deleted the one I am thinking of since I looked like a whale in it. ;) We took down some hideous fruity wallpaper and painted it that wonderful berry color. We also got rid of our stainless steel side-by-side fridge that couldn't open all the way due to the wall directly next to it. We got a french-door, bottom-mount black fridge instead. I love it!
On a side note, my birthday was this weekend. Yep, I'm the big 3-1. Woo! We had a good weekend. Saturday, I spent the day with my mom and my aunt. We got pedicures, ate lunch at PF Chang's, and did some shopping. I just let myself enjoy being out and didn't worry about what time it was. Consequently, I got home at 6! Sunday, Livy and I were going to go to Different Strokes, but they went out of business! Who knew?! So we just ran around and hung out. It was nice, just the girls. :) I didn't get many pictures, but here are some from birthday dinner at Noodles. Hope you had a great weekend, too!