Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sick little girl

So, I took Livy to the dr on Fri afternoon b/c she had a high fever (101.5) that seemed to come on suddenly during nap. She had a mild ear infection on one side. No big deal, get some Amoxil, first time ever for antibiotics. (On a related note, the pharmacist called last night to check on her. Wow!) Well, last night when I was rocking her she sounded a bit wheezy. Thinking of what my friend Megan (a nurse) said about always taking kids to the doc if they are wheezy, I decided to watch her today. She was wheezing from the get-go, so went to the clinic. She doesn't have RSV, per se, but the same treatment as when she had it two years ago- inhaler and oral steroid. Both of which make her very cracked out and unable to sleep well. If you have kids who have done this treatment, you know what I'm talking about. If you are a former student of mine, you might remember a period almost exactly two years ago where I was super cranky. Not looking forward to the next five days...

1 comment:

Megan said...

I just got back on myspace tonight for the first time in a while, and I saw that you started a blog. I'm so glad!!

Hope to see lots more from ya here in the future.