Monday, January 19, 2009

Halfway there! (and belated Christmas post)

Here are some pictures from when my dad and Wes went on their snowmobile ride in Alaska. We had a great vacation. It was a little tiring, but lots of fun. I'll post more pictures once I figure out how to get them off Shutterfly. I'm a little irritated with them right now, but that's another story. :)

We went to the science museum, the zoo, the mall, played in the snow, and Livy got to go skiing! She was adorable in her little bitty skis and helmet. She did a pretty good job, too, if I do say so myself. :) The pictures are pretty dark, since it gets dark in Alaska pre-4:00, but some of them are good. They are also on Shutterfly right now.

So I'm 20 weeks today. Woo! Halfway, and it's all downhill from here. Yeah, right! :) We find out next Monday what we're having (if baby cooperates). So if you want to take a guess, now is the time. I'll try to post a picture of what I look like, if you need that for reference. I honestly have no idea what we're having. I keep thinking boy, but I thought that until Livy was born. Most people think it's a boy (not to bias your opinion) since this pregnancy has been very different from my last. We'll see... Until then, you'll just have to take a guess!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Okay, I'm terrible with this, but I am thinking boy too. I bet Livy will warm right up to a little boy, if she had to.